The Jacobite: St. Moluag's, Isle of Lismore.
The Jacobite: "Achuaran House"
The Jacobite: "The Lismore Lighthouse"
The Jacobite: "The Shining"
The Jacobite: "Clach Thoull"
The Jacobite: An-Sailean Village
The Jacobite: Rustic Shore Cottage
The Jacobite: "Scottish Hospitality"
The Jacobite: "Mystic Tree"
The Jacobite: The "Lismore Lighthouse" and MV "Isle of Lewis"
The Jacobite: "Tirefour Broch" Isle of Lismore.
The Jacobite: "Lynn of Lorn" Fishing Boat
The Jacobite: Lismore Lighthouse and MV Isle of Lewis
The Jacobite: Lismore Lighthouse and MV Clansman
The Jacobite: Taigh Iseabal Dhaidh
The Jacobite: Salen Cottage, Isle of Lismore
The Jacobite: The Lismore Lighthouse. Sound of Mull, Scotland.
The Jacobite: Corrugated Cottage, Isle of Lismore. Scotland.
The Jacobite: Shore Cottage, Sailen, Isle of Lismore
The Jacobite: The Lady Iona, Appin, Scotland.
The Jacobite: "Lismore Lighthouse" Firth of Lorne. Scotland.