Jacob Waites: This girlfriend is the best girlfriend. <3 @jeadoll #love #photographergirlfriend #imissyou #iloveyou #camera #film #lens #localtone #hands #canon #asahi #50mm
Jacob Waites: Solitude #light #naturallight #chair #BFAstudio #phyllisstrausgallery #railroadsquare #chair #minimalism #ruleofthirds
Jacob Waites: Monoprint series, "Rebirth", might be selling these guys soon, I'll post up if I do. #cicada #fungus #plant #plants #insect #rebirth #nature #life #art #lithography #monoprints #printmaking #print #watercolor
Jacob Waites: Long exposure of downtown Pensacola, @jeadoll took some of these with me waving Christmas lights around in the street, I'm in suspense for how they're going to come out. #longexposure #pensacola #downtown #city #lights #stream #palafox #urban #night #nigh
Jacob Waites: Tunnel setting on palafox, this place looks magical. #16palafoxplace #pensacola #palafox #restaurant #bokeh #light #rimlight #bloom #design #rustic #modern #texture #architecture
Jacob Waites: Another of Seville, starting on my metal project today, then learning advanced scraping techniques in interactive media. #code #metal #sculpture #sevillesquare #pensacola #perspective #light #vignette #rimlight #lamp #old #oldtown
Jacob Waites: Went for a walk with @jeadoll down to #sevillesquare this weekend, we both made some cool photos. #sevillesquare #endothealley #bar #irish #old #oldtown #pensacola #light #perspective #rimlight #highlights #hallway #dark
Jacob Waites: Can't figure out how to draw my four foot pieces. It's drivin' me nuts. #pun #lamepun #nuts #artmajorproblems #art #watercolor #cashews #walnuts #pistachios #peanuts #brazilnuts #macadamianuts #chestnuts #toppnuts #pinenuts #cracklenuts
Jacob Waites: Leo taught me how to use the plasma cutter today, the power of the sun is in my hands. #plasma #plasmacutter #metal #metalworking #sculpturelab #fsu #fsufab #school #makinstuff
Jacob Waites: Macarons from Earthfare, gonna make my OWN almond flour today. Light years cheaper than almond meal at the store. #DIY #THATSalowprice #food #macarons #macaron #foodforfoodies #foodgasm #baking #french #almond #imachef
Jacob Waites: Also wondering what these are, how they can be soooo purple. #dayum #purple #berries #berry #probablypoisonous #plant #plants #nature #study #leaves
Jacob Waites: Werkin' in the metal shop. #fsu #sculpturelab #fsufab #onlyanartmajor #art #dragon #feederpeasants #18thcenturyproblems #metal #metalworking #acetylene
Jacob Waites: My studio is pretty barren. #bfaproblems #onlyanartmajor
Jacob Waites: The same said reed. #reed #rosemary #rosemarybeach #green #plant #plants #bamboo #maybe #probablynot #grass
Jacob Waites: Reviews are tomorrow, it's a little unnerving. #BFAproblems
Jacob Waites: I miss everyone today. Especially Rusty. #rustyformayor #petstagram #yorkie #yorkstagram ##pet #dog #puppy #yorkshireterrier #ifuckinglovemydog
Jacob Waites: Some kind of reed in Rosemary, I can't tell if it's bamboo or not, it has nodes, but they're not stiff enough to be bamboo, so I don't think it's related. #whatareyou #plants #plant #reed #green #rosemary #rosemarybeach #bamboo #maybe #probablynot
Jacob Waites: Wishing I was somewhere else with @jeadoll right about now. Social problems class is depressing. #socialproblems #rosemary #rosemarybeach #florida #30A #barrettsquare #cowgirlkitchen #photoadventures
Jacob Waites: Looks like its going to be another long day tomorrow. #mushroom #mushrooms #fungi #common #white #tiny #mycorrhizae #mycorhizzaayyy #nature #grass #frontyards #photoadventures #lowdown #lowvantage
Jacob Waites: Producing' dat pollen. #reproduction #biology #pollen #plants #dicot #campustrek #fsu #projects #nature
Jacob Waites: Me and @jeadoll don't like no 'sparagus. #asparagus #greenshit #food #vegetables #veggies #organic #modicamarket
Jacob Waites: This green carpet is so comfy, we should get some of this for the house! #rustyformayor #grass #petstagran #yorkie #dog #puppy #yorkstagram #pet #ifuckinglovemydog #backyard
Jacob Waites: Always a rainy day here in Tallahassee. #rain #wetshoes #coldfeet #badhair #powersout #street #tallahassee
Jacob Waites: Carving stuff ain't easy. #art #sculpture #printmaking #relief #woodcut #onlyanartmajor #dremmel #tools #myfingershurt
Jacob Waites: Fact: There are only 12 kumquat trees on campus. #biology #campustrek #classification #angiosperm #binomialnomenclature #research #kumquat #fruit
Jacob Waites: They were gonna call me a doctor, cause I'm a little abstract. #abstract #lightpull #slowshutter #shutterdrag #bokeh #nature
Jacob Waites: We don't care bought no signs. #fuckdapolice #airforceinstallation #trespassers #takebacktheforest #trees #warning #rebels #adventure
Jacob Waites: Made something cheap actually semi-palatable today. Not by much though. #food #itsokay #meh #noodles #sesame #foodporn #asian #oystersauce #chicken #foodforfoodies
Jacob Waites: #WHPunderoverpass #underpier #sea #ocean #gulf #water #thesetagsaresogeneral #pier #beach #horizon
Jacob Waites: Retrospection is a great tactic when used between long intervals. #chroniclingwork #oldshit #portrait #rimlight #cousins #anthology #profile #beards #fuzz