Jacob Almtoft: Visit by the Danish minister of education
Jacob Almtoft: Visit by the Danish minister of education
Jacob Almtoft: Visit by the Danish minister of education
Jacob Almtoft: Visit by the Danish minister of education
Jacob Almtoft: Visit by the Danish minister of education
Jacob Almtoft: Visit by the Danish minister of education
Jacob Almtoft: Socialising around the fire
Jacob Almtoft: BIG flash
Jacob Almtoft: Blacksmith in the dark
Jacob Almtoft: Ivan Basso & BGI cycling team
Jacob Almtoft: Blacksmith - Horsens Middelalderfest
Jacob Almtoft: NDPT9 sneak premiere
Jacob Almtoft: Landsindsamlingen 2013 - Thomas Skov Gaardsvig
Jacob Almtoft: Landsindsamlingen 2013
Jacob Almtoft: Landsindsamlingen 2013
Jacob Almtoft: Chemistry lesson - proving the presence of sugar in coke
Jacob Almtoft: Chemistry lesson - proving the presence of sugar in coke
Jacob Almtoft: Chemistry lesson - proving the presence of sugar in coke
Jacob Almtoft: Graffiti artist at work
Jacob Almtoft: Victory
Jacob Almtoft: Dinner behind bars
Jacob Almtoft: Gerlev Performance Team
Jacob Almtoft: "I can see my house from heeeeeere"
Jacob Almtoft: Sebastian Lind
Jacob Almtoft: NDPT 10 National danish perfprmance team