jvvg: Looking inbound at East Chicago
jvvg: Inbound track at East Chicago
jvvg: Outbound track at East Chicago
jvvg: East Chicago shelter
jvvg: East Chicago headhouse from the platform
jvvg: East Chicago platform sign
jvvg: East end of the platform at East Chicago
jvvg: East Chicago shelter
jvvg: Looking inbound at East Chicago
jvvg: East Chicago shelter
jvvg: Outbound track at East Chicago
jvvg: Platform-level stairs and elevator at East Chicago
jvvg: Tunnel to the station headhouse at East Chicago
jvvg: East Chicago headhouse
jvvg: East Chicago station rom the parking lot
jvvg: East Chicago station and headhouse from the parking lot
jvvg: East Chicago east entrance
jvvg: East Chicago ramp to the platform from the top of the stairs for the east parking lot entrance
jvvg: East Chicago ticket vending machines at the east parking lot entrance
jvvg: East Chicago stairs from the east parking lot
jvvg: East Chicago main entrance sign
jvvg: East Chicago station and headhouse from the parking lot
jvvg: East Chicago headhouse
jvvg: East Chicago service entrance
jvvg: East Chicago service ramp
jvvg: East Chicago service ramp to platform
jvvg: East Chicago service ramp to platform
jvvg: East Chicago service ramp to platform
jvvg: East Chicago maintenance shed
jvvg: East Chicago main entrance sign