Jacky Macpherson: [Authenticity is who you are ... your honest reactions, your natural energy.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Success without integrity means nothing. Integrity is how you behave when there is nothing to be gained.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Remember when you wanted what you currently have.]
Jacky Macpherson: [How can you not love them?:-)]
Jacky Macpherson: [Traveling forever, never arriving, my only companion is a total stranger.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Never have a plan, it'll just get in your way.]
Jacky Macpherson: [... things will happen when they happen and not one minute sooner. That is the way of life; it runs at its own pace; so enjoy as many minutes as you can.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Always remember that motivation gets you moving, but determination keeps you going.]
Jacky Macpherson: [He wondered if sanity had completely forsaken him in a land where nightmares and reality existed side-by-side.]
Jacky Macpherson: [... once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they're having a piss.]
Jacky Macpherson: [... it would take a warrior to tame her spirit.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Wake up beauty it's time to beast.]
Jacky Macpherson: [There's never an easy route to the things that matter.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Sometimes truths are what we run from, and sometimes they are what we seek.]