Jacky Macpherson: [I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Sometimes i don't know, which moment, which cool gust of wind will come, and enchant me, tousling my hair and my heart ... ]
Jacky Macpherson: [How do you smuggle daydreams into reality?]^^
Jacky Macpherson: [She loved the sea ... it made her feel small, but free as well.}
Jacky Macpherson: [Don’t be afraid, he said. Far more can be mended than you know.]
Jacky Macpherson: [If my life were a fragrance, it would smell like the sea.]
Jacky Macpherson: [... when you just sit in silence the wind blows through you, the sun at dusk shines in you and you realize you are not your body you are everything.]
Jacky Macpherson: [I see you in every passing moment.]
Jacky Macpherson: [The key to a better life isn't always a change of scenery. Sometimes it simply requires opening your eyes.]
Jacky Macpherson: [When you lose, let that be a lesson to you. When you win - you don't learn anything.]
Jacky Macpherson: [You know the minute you stop thinking about it, it'll happen.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Life is a series of lessons in which there is never enough learned.]
Jacky Macpherson: [She was wild and free with a dab of logic in between, chasing her dreams and following her heart beat.}
Jacky Macpherson: [She was afraid of heights but she was much more afraid of never flying.]
Jacky Macpherson: [There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Sometimes we find ourselves walking through life blindfolded, and we try to deny that we're the ones who securely tied the knot.]
Jacky Macpherson: [There are moments which mark your life. Moments when you realize nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts, before this, and after this…]
Jacky Macpherson: [There are in life a few moments so beautiful, that even words are a sort of profanity.]
Jacky Macpherson: [You are here to enjoy it.]
Jacky Macpherson: [When the puppy licked my hand, we all knew he was the one for us.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Those who teach the most about humanity, aren't always human.]
Jacky Macpherson: [A pause gives you breathing space so listen to the whispers of the real you waiting to happen.]
Jacky Macpherson: [When you run, every step you take leaves your weaker self behind and brings you one step closer to the strongest person you can be.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Go where you feel most alive]