Jacky Macpherson: [Life's a beach. Just roll with it.]
Jacky Macpherson: [One day, all your worries will set like the sun does and deserved happiness will come gushing like waves at the beach do. All you need to make sure is that your trips to beach never end.]
Jacky Macpherson: [When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Feeling exhausted after a long morning walk]
Jacky Macpherson: When the fight ain't fair...
Jacky Macpherson: [I see you in every passing moment.]
Jacky Macpherson: [She would follow him over the horizon and down the other side, where the world lay hidden.]
Jacky Macpherson: [I preferred to look at the sea, which said nothing and never made you feel alone.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Some people feel love in their hearts, she said. Some of us feel it all way into our souls. We're the ones who can't forget.]
Jacky Macpherson: [The more she tried to forget, the more she remembered.]
Jacky Macpherson: [... when you just sit in silence the wind blows through you, the sun at dusk shines in you and you realize you are not your body you are everything.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Maybe not here and now, but somewhere, someday.]
Jacky Macpherson: [The wind may be invisible, but it’s colored by memories of you ...]
Jacky Macpherson: [If there were a little more silence, if we all kept quiet...maybe we could understand something.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. whatever makes you smile, keep it.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Without hope we fail to exist.]
Jacky Macpherson: [To plant a garden, is to believe in tomorrow.] Happy Easter to all:-)
Jacky Macpherson: [She said: 'My heart is dancing with the birds.']
Jacky Macpherson: [How do you smuggle daydreams into reality?]^^
Jacky Macpherson: [If there is a light, you can always see and there is a world we can always be ...]
Jacky Macpherson: [When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Nothing is so lovely as a quietly snoring cat and some evening Brahms, as you sit in a comfortably overstuffed chair with your feet on the footstool.]
Jacky Macpherson: [It's okay to love something a little too much,as long as it's real to you.]
Jacky Macpherson: [All my life I've always come back to one thing, my need to feel free and the need to feel the breeze ...]
Jacky Macpherson: [Sometimes i don't know, which moment, which cool gust of wind will come, and enchant me, tousling my hair and my heart ... ]
Jacky Macpherson: [Amongst the flowers you always feel yourself you are endlessly far away from all the dangers.]
Jacky Macpherson: [Take a break, listen to the beat and float downstream ...]
Jacky Macpherson: [Sometimes I wished I could cut away old memories and let the wind take them...]
Jacky Macpherson: [So, you see, my heart is held forever by this place," she said. "I cannot leave.”]
Jacky Macpherson: [...don't be afraid of going by a way you've never gone - that's the way we're all going...]