Metatron_: Aye, aye, Captain!
Metatron_: 20090704 - Aydin's patriotic handiwork
Metatron_: 20090624 - Ulrich anglers
Metatron_: DSCF2908
Metatron_: 47 The future's so bright... (edited)
Metatron_: DSCF2589 (edited)
Metatron_: Stagecoach to the West
Metatron_: DSCF2197
Metatron_: DSCF2086
Metatron_: IMGP1234
Metatron_: 'Ello theah, guv'nah!
Metatron_: IMGP1155
Metatron_: DSC00189
Metatron_: Aydin sitting up unassisted for the first time on camera
Metatron_: Bubba is happy in Dad's hat
Metatron_: Mom, Stormy and Captain Flabulous