Metatron_: Aydin and Aunt Ayla
Metatron_: Akin Amca holds Sophia
Metatron_: Fat lip
Metatron_: Color-coordinated outfits
Metatron_: Sophia and Mom each have strange smiles here
Metatron_: ooooooohhhhhh! Mommy said a bad word!
Metatron_: And we now go live to our correspondent in the field: Stormy...
Metatron_: Notice that Stormy's hand is to the *side* of her mouth to avoid her new teeth
Metatron_: DSCF1379
Metatron_: Stormy is a little fuzzy and Dad has a stupid grin
Metatron_: Stormy is traveling through time
Metatron_: Aydin sitting up with a big grin
Metatron_: Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck
Metatron_: Umm, Aydin, I think I am tripping out
Metatron_: Sophia needs encouragement to smile
Metatron_: Twin grins
Metatron_: Momma and Bubba crash out
Metatron_: Stormy is too tired to eat and Aydin is losing steam
Metatron_: Almost done and done
Metatron_: Sophia talking to Maureen
Metatron_: Maureen and Sophia
Metatron_: Headset jockey
Metatron_: What do you think this is?/Some kind of joke?/Gimme 10 Big Macs/And a small Diet Coke!
Metatron_: Dad and Aydin at the Franklin Cider Mill
Metatron_: Jack, Aydin and Claudia at the cider mill
Metatron_: The clan at the cider mill
Metatron_: Shirin and Sophia at the cider mill
Metatron_: Shirin and Sophia enjoy the weather
Metatron_: Sophia is not impressed with the cider mill
Metatron_: Claudia, Shirin and Stormy