totorojack: 開幕式 opening ceremony
totorojack: 哇~我好高 wow I'm tall
totorojack: 球網 the net
totorojack: 研究賽程 reading "play of the day"
totorojack: 籤表 the draw
totorojack: 我的搭檔小山老師 my partner Hill
totorojack: 不就是我 of course,me...
totorojack: 比賽中 in competition
totorojack: 進食中 eatin lunch
totorojack: 我的低卡午餐 my low calorie meal
totorojack: 沙拉普普 salad tasted so so
totorojack: 涼麵還不賴 soba tasted not bad
totorojack: 少不了要自拍 i love autodyn
totorojack: 我的手環 my wristbands
totorojack: 羽球小包 my cute little bag