jacksonfox: View from the empire state building
jacksonfox: Erica and Heidi + NYC marathon map
jacksonfox: The empire state building lobby
jacksonfox: Erica in Times Square
jacksonfox: The marathoners!
jacksonfox: Empty shells: remains of hot chocolate
jacksonfox: Andrew and Heidi
jacksonfox: Central Park West
jacksonfox: Columbus circle
jacksonfox: The finish!
jacksonfox: carbo loading at the Barilla pre-marathon pasta dinner
jacksonfox: Veselka's in NYC
jacksonfox: Barney Greengrass in NYC
jacksonfox: Heidi and Erica at the start
jacksonfox: runners at mile 8
jacksonfox: ING cheer zone, mile 8
jacksonfox: Erica and Clay at mile 8
jacksonfox: Erica at mile 8
jacksonfox: Runners of the NYC marathon 2007
jacksonfox: Erica at mile 19
jacksonfox: Mile 23
jacksonfox: Erica and Heidi after finishing
jacksonfox: finisher's blanket
jacksonfox: Zheng, Tong, Heidi, Erica
jacksonfox: The finishers!