Jacksonian22: Hometest prompt 1
Jacksonian22: Hometest prompt 1
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 2
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 3
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 3
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 3
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 4
Jacksonian22: Childhood is a state where everything is new, adventurous, and foreign to us.
Jacksonian22: As a child, our wonder for the world around us begins.
Jacksonian22: Childhood disbelief makes the imaginary a reality.
Jacksonian22: Our heaviest emotion as a child is the transitory sadness we feel, such as temper tantrums.
Jacksonian22: Adolescence is a delusional state of change.
Jacksonian22: Adolescence is begun by growing pains.
Jacksonian22: Adolescence is a time of peer pressure and hiding self.
Jacksonian22: Adolescence is the beginning of loss, when our surroundings change and people begin to fade from our lives.
Jacksonian22: Adulthood is a stage of reality, where youthful ignorance has faded away.
Jacksonian22: Adulthood is a stage where we must learn to adapt.
Jacksonian22: Adulthood is when we begin to feel isolation from the surroundings we once knew so well.
Jacksonian22: Adulthood is when we first begin to realize that some dreams never come true.
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 5
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 5
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 5
Jacksonian22: When Reaping Feelings Take Over
Jacksonian22: Rapturing our objectified pasts
Jacksonian22: When Humanized Realities are Left to Wander
Jacksonian22: Vapid lies, vapid love, vapid homes
Jacksonian22: Fight or fly, we're all bound by the same cage.
Jacksonian22: Hometest Prompt 6