Jack's Instrument Services: A bargain that needs some upgrading! Pickups, tuners, proper setup, bridge, pickguard, electronics and straplocks all to be upgraded
Jack's Instrument Services: This coil is letting loads of air out - see those tiny bubbles? WHen the bubbles stop that means the coil is fully soaked with wax
Jack's Instrument Services: Here's the pickups getting wax potted. The wax is a very runny mix of Beeswax and Paraffin which when heated soaks into the fine windings of the coil. The Bubble are the air pockets escaping, that's what I want - no air inside the coil winds
Jack's Instrument Services: Here's the finished coil. This pickup will need "potting" to help reduce nasty microphonic feedback at high volumes
Jack's Instrument Services: Wind them till they're full. We're going for a mega Dub Reggae sound for these pickups hence the ass of coil winding! More winds for greater DC resistance and a thicker sound
Jack's Instrument Services: Half way through the second coil without any wire snapping!
Jack's Instrument Services: The pickups make their way to Mr. Windy for some scatterwound pickup winding
Jack's Instrument Services: When I remove the pickup bobbin, the wax will cool and I can carefully wipe of any excess. It cools and hardens again making the coil a solid lump with absolutely no air gaps inside