Jacko2nd: Sparrowhawk. Took Through the window today .
Jacko2nd: Stonechat / female on my local pit top .
Jacko2nd: Stonechat /female on my local pit top .looking straight at me.
Jacko2nd: Sparrowhawk. Taken Through the window .
Jacko2nd: Sparrowhawk.
Jacko2nd: Barn owl today on my local patch .
Jacko2nd: Barn owl today on my local patch.record shot . flaming twig .
Jacko2nd: Barn owl today on local patch.record shot .
Jacko2nd: Kestrel.today on local patch .
Jacko2nd: Barn owl today . On local patch ringed heavy crop .
Jacko2nd: Barn owl . record shot in fading light .
Jacko2nd: local Barn owl .
Jacko2nd: Stonechat / blending in with the brambles​ .
Jacko2nd: Robin.
Jacko2nd: Robin
Jacko2nd: Goldfinch .
Jacko2nd: Greenfinch .
Jacko2nd: Blue tit . thinking​ about using my nestbox .
Jacko2nd: Blue tit . having a look .
Jacko2nd: Peregrine falcon. today
Jacko2nd: Local Barn owl
Jacko2nd: Local little owl .owlet
Jacko2nd: Local little owl .owlet
Jacko2nd: Stonechat f/,thurcroft pit top .
Jacko2nd: Coal tit
Jacko2nd: Greenfinch
Jacko2nd: Redwing
Jacko2nd: Robin
Jacko2nd: Stonechat /female
Jacko2nd: Greenfinch .