Jaxpix50: The young men
Jaxpix50: Tough Burnley folk!
Jaxpix50: Memorial to the Hapton Valley Mining disater of 1962
Jaxpix50: Mill girl
Jaxpix50: St Peter's Church
Jaxpix50: Thompson Park Bridge
Jaxpix50: Horizon over Burnley October 15th 2005
Jaxpix50: Read and relax.
Jaxpix50: King Cotton ..no longer.
Jaxpix50: Our town
Jaxpix50: Our town
Jaxpix50: Witch way?
Jaxpix50: Walking in the air.
Jaxpix50: Perfect reflection of an industrial past
Jaxpix50: The mill office window
Jaxpix50: Striped sunset
Jaxpix50: Nature reclaims
Jaxpix50: Light shadow.
Jaxpix50: Miners' monument
Jaxpix50: Tree hands
Jaxpix50: Plenty of space in the carparks.
Jaxpix50: Black on grey
Jaxpix50: The clatter of Lancashire clogs against a blue sky.
Jaxpix50: We had snow!!
Jaxpix50: A good tackler.
Jaxpix50: An evening seat.
Jaxpix50: East comes West
Jaxpix50: Bridge view
Jaxpix50: In the air
Jaxpix50: Just turning now