Jack R Horton:
Boy with police at Welsh "Defence" League protest in Swansea, 2010
Jack R Horton:
Protesting the Fascist Welsh Defence League 'No More Mosques' march, Swansea 2010
Jack R Horton:
Drumming in opposition to the WDL fascist march in Swansea 2010
Jack R Horton:
Protesters against the WDL march in Swansea 2010 2
Jack R Horton:
Protesters against the WDL march in Swansea 2010
Jack R Horton:
Socialist and UAF opposition to the WDL protest Swansea 2010
Jack R Horton:
Welsh "Defence" League Fascists in Swansea 2010
Jack R Horton:
Wesh Defence League fascist hooligans, Swansea 2010
Jack R Horton:
Police herd in the WDL fascists, Swansea 2010
Jack R Horton:
SWP at the WDL Demo, Swansea 2
Jack R Horton:
SWP at the WDL Demo, Swansea
Jack R Horton:
Rallying the croud at the Swansea UAF/WDL Demo
Jack R Horton:
Protester, Swansea UAF/WDL Demo
Jack R Horton:
UAF protesters at Swansea WDL Demo