jackhirsch: Josef and Taube (Toby) Klein
jackhirsch: Sol Laufer in the field Sep 3 1916
jackhirsch: SL in the field Sep 3 1916
jackhirsch: undated Fred and maybe his cousin
jackhirsch: 1948 Maxine's birthday
jackhirsch: 1948 Laufer 10th anniversary
jackhirsch: 1951 Sarah Goodson Kerr, Dorothy, Maxine Rebecca Marvin Stanley
jackhirsch: 1951 Dorothy girls Evelyn Skippy
jackhirsch: Sol Laufer, grandkids Oct 15 1952
jackhirsch: Laufer sibs, kids May 2 1954
jackhirsch: Laufer sibs incl. Leon, kids, May 2 1954
jackhirsch: 1958 Gina Maxine JHS graduation
jackhirsch: 1958 Gina JHS graduation