Jack Hanby -: "The simple things in life seems more meaningful now..." - Interior Setup - Bedroom/ Modern/ Rustic & Contemporary
Jack Hanby -: "I don't sing in the shower, I perform..." - Interior Setup, Bathroom /Modern/Rustic/Contemporary.
Jack Hanby -: "Small place, great space..." - Exterior Setup / Snowy pines / Modern building
Jack Hanby -: "Love makes a house, a home..." - Exterior Setup, Snowy pines / Modern building
Jack Hanby -: "Even on a cloudy day, the sun is shining somewhere..." - Interior Setup - Lounge - /Modern/Beachy/Contemporary/Rustic
Jack Hanby -: "There is sunshine in my soul today..." - Exterior Setup Modern/Beach Outdoor Lounge
Jack Hanby -: "Let us dance in the sun, wearing flowers in our hair..." - Exterior Setup /Modern/Beachy Outdoor Lounge
Jack Hanby -: "I'm lost in my mind..." - 'Client Work' - Farnsworth build (Modified) - Exterior Setup - Forest/Island
Jack Hanby -: "I'm surrounded by your tall closure..." - 'Client Work' - Exterior Setup - Industrial/Modern/Masculine
Jack Hanby -: "The bliss of nature hurling in my ears..." - 'Client Work' - Exterior/Interior Setup / Modern Industrial/Masculine
Jack Hanby -: "A memory is lost by tall standing tree's spreading among for acres" - 'Client Work' - Interior Setup - Modern/Industrial/Masculine
Jack Hanby -: "You're only limited by your imagination..." - 'Client Work' - Interior Setup - Modern/Industrial/Masculine