Earley Photography: From a print circa 1972
Earley Photography: Scanned paper negative from a 9x12 Zeiss Maximar
Earley Photography: 8x10 Ilford Multigrade Enlarging Paper Negative, R. Knoll f5.5-360 Doppel-Rigonar, Calumet C1, Lens cap shutter.
Earley Photography: Paper neg trial-2
Earley Photography: Dutch Gap Conservation Area
Earley Photography: Henricus1-9
Earley Photography: View from the window
Earley Photography: Corner of my 70's studio
Earley Photography: Berkeley Plantation
Earley Photography: 9x12 Paper Neg - Hatchet
Earley Photography: Smith Corona Skyriter
Earley Photography: Leica M3 and Olympia Socialite (SF) with coffee and muffin
Earley Photography: Nikon F and Smith Corona Skyriter with Coffee
Earley Photography: Communication-1
Earley Photography: Calculators
Earley Photography: Smith Corona Adding Machine
Earley Photography: Remington Rand De Luxe 5 two-tone Portable Typewriter
Earley Photography: Corona Model 3 Folding Portable Typewriter (1922)
Earley Photography: Calumet C1 8x10 View Camera
Earley Photography: Kodak 33 9x12 Camera