Jack_from_Paris: en arrivant sur Malte #1
Jack_from_Paris: en arrivant sur Malte #2
Jack_from_Paris: en arrivant sur Malte #3
Jack_from_Paris: the light come through
Jack_from_Paris: summer curves
Jack_from_Paris: the red bike
Jack_from_Paris: McDo break
Jack_from_Paris: Carte postale maltaise
Jack_from_Paris: May I help you ?
Jack_from_Paris: end of the day in Gozo #1
Jack_from_Paris: end of the day in Gozo #2
Jack_from_Paris: street life
Jack_from_Paris: colors of the world
Jack_from_Paris: street mode
Jack_from_Paris: 12h à la Valette
Jack_from_Paris: smartphone photographer
Jack_from_Paris: urban perspective #2
Jack_from_Paris: urban perspective #1
Jack_from_Paris: under the wind
Jack_from_Paris: boating portrait
Jack_from_Paris: like Marilyn
Jack_from_Paris: sous le soleil
Jack_from_Paris: sous le soleil #2