Jack1962: Almost ready to go....
Jack1962: Fully packed!
Jack1962: Catherine-Safety First!
Jack1962: Campsite # 402
Jack1962: Enjoying the campfire, campsite # 402
Jack1962: Campsite # 402
Jack1962: Arriving in the campsite # 402
Jack1962: Canoe at our campsite
Jack1962: A privy with a view!
Jack1962: The view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: The view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: Bear proofing
Jack1962: The view from the campsite
Jack1962: The view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: Around the campsite
Jack1962: The view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: The view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: The view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: A view from the campsite
Jack1962: Canoeing to the Moon River Marina