jaci starkey: Delaware Lake from Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware State Park Beach from Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Eastern Kingbird
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Eastern Kingbird
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Eastern Kingbird
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Eastern Kingbird
jaci starkey: Delaware Lake from Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Sandhill Cranes
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Blue dasher dragonfly
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Eastern pondhawk dragonfly
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area - Swans
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - 2 Ring-necked Ducks amongst Redheads
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Bufflehead stands out amoung the Redheads
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Male & Female Bufflehead
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Male & Female Bufflehead
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Male & Female Bufflehead
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Male Bufflehead Landing
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Male Bufflehead
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Northern Pintails surrounded by Redheads
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Redheads
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Ring-necked Duck with Redheads
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Ring-necked Ducks with Redheads
jaci starkey: Delaware Wildlife Area-Panhandle Road - Sandhill Crane