Jaci Sue: in the beginning
Jaci Sue: i was given a hand to hold
Jaci Sue: and I was given a key
Jaci Sue: when I first started to look
Jaci Sue: the things i saw
Jaci Sue: grew inside of me
Jaci Sue: until I was haunted by them
Jaci Sue: until they were in my breathing
Jaci Sue: and in the river
Jaci Sue: i found words to fit my landscape
Jaci Sue: a sense of self
Jaci Sue: a sense of place
Jaci Sue: connections
Jaci Sue: i found the back way home
Jaci Sue: i followed the lines
Jaci Sue: signs were given
Jaci Sue: i learned that beauty was all around us
Jaci Sue: i learned to sit quietly
Jaci Sue: i learned to ask questions
Jaci Sue: things seeped into my subconcious
Jaci Sue: the sound of doors opening
Jaci Sue: the briny deep
Jaci Sue: the fear of god
Jaci Sue: the smell of winter evenings
Jaci Sue: the door of my heart
Jaci Sue: the names that came before me
Jaci Sue: and words words words
Jaci Sue: i remember
Jaci Sue: forgotten roads
Jaci Sue: soldiers off to war