Jace: Morning of the fire
Jace: Crowd
Jace: Jump sheet
Jace: Ladder
Jace: Firehose rescue
Jace: Firehose rescue
Jace: Firehose rescue
Jace: Growing crowds
Jace: Leaving Carlton
Jace: Carlton Towers a week later
Jace: Soot in the office
Jace: Smoke leaked in from everywhere
Jace: Broken window in the office
Jace: Expired extinguisher
Jace: From my window
Jace: Door
Jace: Not my fruit
Jace: Shattered glass
Jace: Shattered glass
Jace: Shattered glass
Jace: Shattered glass
Jace: Gas mask
Jace: The fire exit
Jace: Fire exit doors
Jace: Jumper's window
Jace: Jumper's footwear
Jace: Unused unit
Jace: Cops guarding
Jace: Packing up
Jace: Goodbye, Carlton Towers