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Manado 08 by John Akar
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John Akar
panda clown and parasite IMG_1086 copy
John Akar
comensal crab d1IMG_0081
John Akar
hairy sponge crab IMG_0109
John Akar
emperor shrimp d2IMG_0151
John Akar
comemsal black and yellow d2IMG_0255
John Akar
comensal shrimp d2IMG_0291
John Akar
cuttle egg d4IMG_0597
John Akar
fire gobey d5IMG_0745
John Akar
fish unknown d5IMG_0766
John Akar
feathers d5IMG_0783
John Akar
dragonette d6IMG_0824
John Akar
ghost pipefish white d6IMG_0855
John Akar
cardinals d6IMG_0869
John Akar
cuckatoo wasp fish d6IMG_0892 copy
John Akar
cardinal with eggs d6IMG_0909
John Akar
clown d7IMG_1343
John Akar
anemone shrimp d9IMG_0762
John Akar
brutus the yellow scorpion fish d9IMG_0810
John Akar
how many shrimp on the head of a pin IMG_0122
John Akar
juvenile sweetlips IMG_0128
John Akar
jawfish d2IMG_0163
John Akar
lobster in sponge d5IMG_0748 copy
John Akar
lizard fish face d5IMG_0755
John Akar
juvenile filefish d6IMG_0888
John Akar
mandarin pair d6IMG_0922
John Akar
juvenile fish d7IMG_1074
John Akar
mandarin d8IMG_1337
John Akar
juvenile seahorse d9IMG_0714
John Akar
juvenile pipefish d9IMG_0797
John Akar
mandarin pair d9IMG_0872
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