chemsuiter: Chicago Fire Department Scuba Team training
chemsuiter: Safety embrace
chemsuiter: Hand-in-glove
chemsuiter: Go jump in a lake
chemsuiter: Popping back to the surface after jumping in
chemsuiter: Mask adjustment
chemsuiter: Interspiro dive mask in profile
chemsuiter: Stretchy rubber
chemsuiter: Diver with skyline
chemsuiter: Voice comms through the tether
chemsuiter: Buoyancy control on the surface
chemsuiter: Rope trick
chemsuiter: Bottle party
chemsuiter: Head shot
chemsuiter: Diver at the wall
chemsuiter: Two divers on rhe surface
chemsuiter: Awaiting instructions
chemsuiter: Surfaced
chemsuiter: I spy with my eye. . .
chemsuiter: Hands-on activity
chemsuiter: High five for the dive
chemsuiter: Tethered, on land
chemsuiter: _This_ was that masked man.
chemsuiter: Good ladder form
chemsuiter: Du Sable Hatbor diver
chemsuiter: Out of the water
chemsuiter: Face to face
chemsuiter: Buddy help
chemsuiter: Divers post-dive
chemsuiter: Coming undone