Jack Ledgerwood: Kayaking on Potomac River upstream of Point of Rocks
Jack Ledgerwood: IMG_20140705_122139_840
Jack Ledgerwood: IMG_20140829_122446_289
Jack Ledgerwood: IMG_20140829_123132_560
Jack Ledgerwood: IMG_20140829_123201_646
Jack Ledgerwood: IMG_20140829_133001_567
Jack Ledgerwood: IMG_20140829_133502_357
Jack Ledgerwood: IMG_20140829_140711_543
Jack Ledgerwood: Sea kayaking in Lake Bernard, Fraser British Columbia
Jack Ledgerwood: Shoreline of Lake Bernard, Fraser British Columbia
Jack Ledgerwood: Entrance to Lock Bypass for Kayaks
Jack Ledgerwood: Lock Bypass for Kayaks