J3HS: Desolate Beach
J3HS: Kerrie and Marisa
J3HS: Marisa in Huge Stump
J3HS: World's Largest Spruce
J3HS: Hiding in the Roots
J3HS: Group Shot on Tree
J3HS: Group Shot on Tree (Closer)
J3HS: Meadow and Lake
J3HS: Victor and Marisa Smooching
J3HS: A Bug in Her Ear
J3HS: Marisa and Victor
J3HS: Waterfall Group Shot
J3HS: Waterfall Group Shot
J3HS: Forest Boardwalk
J3HS: Funky Fungus
J3HS: Irely Lake
J3HS: Aaron on the Rocks
J3HS: Admiring the Waterfall
J3HS: By the Waterfall
J3HS: Gang at Park Entrance
J3HS: Sunset from the Beach
J3HS: Gang at the Beach
J3HS: Silly Gang at the Beach
J3HS: Seabrook Market and Gang
J3HS: I-5 Parking Lot