J316: Psalm 18
J316: Is there any hope for us?
J316: Phillips Island, Victoria.
J316: Follow Me
J316: To Be Born from ABOVE
J316: A New Day Dawns
J316: Eagerly Anticipating..
J316: What can Divide the Soul from the Spirit?
J316: Purpose Filled? or.... Directionless?
J316: St Paul , Melbourne
J316: He should be part of the street artwork
J316: Mars. Before it lost the ocean.
J316: Once they were together as one
J316: Lord Give Strength to those with Loved Ones on MH370
J316: Pastor Martin, after our short time in this world is over, we'll see you once again.
J316: Washed.
J316: Crushed, yet strengthened.
J316: The More I seek You..the more i'll find You
J316: No eye has seen....
J316: reflections of beauty & gloom
J316: Heaven is not for tourists; ....unlike the great Cathedrals..today.
J316: When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
J316: Peace is knowing you're on the right direction
J316: A way? or The Way.
J316: the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—CS Lewis
J316: drawn to the Light
J316: The beauty in the clouds
J316: engraved on His palm
J316: As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
J316: The Pilgrim’s Progress