j2davis2005: Nixon fig cuttings are both leafing out!!!!
j2davis2005: New house number planter all planted!
j2davis2005: New house number planter all planted!
j2davis2005: New house number planter all planted!
j2davis2005: Aunt Ruby's German Green Tomato and Cup and Saucer Vine seeds both sprouted
j2davis2005: Sweetie cherry tomatoes with true leaves!
j2davis2005: Harvested last of the Pink Lady apple from our tree
j2davis2005: Harvested last of the Pink Lady apple from our tree
j2davis2005: Egyptian Spinach seeds sprouted in a pool of rain water
j2davis2005: Red Lady papaya still pushing out lots of flowers
j2davis2005: Pretty Gazania bloom in our House Number planter!
j2davis2005: Plants in our House Number planter
j2davis2005: House Number Planter is getting more colorful everyday
j2davis2005: New Day® Clear Orange Gazania
j2davis2005: New Day® Clear Orange Gazania
j2davis2005: New Day® Bronze Shades Gazania blooming
j2davis2005: New Day® Bronze Shades Gazania blooming
j2davis2005: Chamomile seedlings are getting larger too
j2davis2005: Potted up the two little Cup-and-Saucer vine (Cobaea scandens) seedlings! Have no idea where I would plant them yet, but looking forward to see their beautiful flowers once they get going!
j2davis2005: Stripe Gazania blooming in our House Number planter in the front yard
j2davis2005: O'Henry sweet potato cuttings
j2davis2005: Stripe Gazania blooming in our House Number planter in the backyard
j2davis2005: Showing off more non-edible flowers in our garden for 2017! New Day® Bronze Shades Gazania blooming in our House Number planter in the front yard.
j2davis2005: VdB is still producing ripe fruit!
j2davis2005: White Ume blooming already!
j2davis2005: White Ume blooming already!
j2davis2005: Found some old drawings of our garden plans
j2davis2005: 2017-01-15 10.38.43
j2davis2005: 2017-01-15 10.39.09
j2davis2005: Giant nasturtium leaves