j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube (Zizyphus Mauritiana)
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube (Zizyphus Mauritiana) Flowers!
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube (Zizyphus Mauritiana) planted~
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube (Zizyphus Mauritiana) loving its home and the heat
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube (Zizyphus Mauritiana) putting out new branches!
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube (Zizyphus Mauritiana) putting out new branches!
j2davis2005: I really like this corner of the Tropical Garden
j2davis2005: Tropical Garden is pretty
j2davis2005: Showing the difference of leaf shape, size and texture between Chinese and Indian jujube
j2davis2005: Showing the difference of leaf shape, size and texture between Chinese and Indian jujube
j2davis2005: Tropical Garden corner
j2davis2005: Tropical Garden really do nicely with high density planting
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian jujube is pushing flowers again
j2davis2005: Another update of the Tropical Garden
j2davis2005: Tropical Garden is loving the humidity and cooler temps
j2davis2005: I am obsessed with this corner of the Tropical Garden, it seems to grow so fast
j2davis2005: Our personal Tropical food forest in the backyard
j2davis2005: Our personal Tropical food forest in the backyard
j2davis2005: We also have crazy cherry tomatoes taking over the Tropical Garden!
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube is covered in blooms!
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube is covered in blooms!
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube is covered in blooms!
j2davis2005: Again, my favorite corner of Tropical Garden
j2davis2005: "Thai Giant" Indian Jujube and Tropical Pink Guava are both sending out flower buds
j2davis2005: "Thai Giant" Indian Jujube flowering!
j2davis2005: "Thai Giant" Indian Jujube flowering!
j2davis2005: Close up of the "Thai Giant" Indian jujube flower
j2davis2005: 'Thai Giant' Indian jujube is covered in blooms
j2davis2005: Lots of small insects doing the pollinating, but the flower has a not so pleasant smell
j2davis2005: Thai Giant Indian Jujube is still covered in flowers