j2davis2005: Getting ready to head out
j2davis2005: The j2davis team
j2davis2005: Making new friends from meetup group
j2davis2005: Good energy level from the start
j2davis2005: Tessa having a great time hiking
j2davis2005: We started at a pretty good speed
j2davis2005: I decided to take lots of photos today
j2davis2005: Taking a short break
j2davis2005: Tessa has color matching camera!
j2davis2005: Land slide?
j2davis2005: There were quite a bit of fallen trees on the trail
j2davis2005: Still all smiles though~
j2davis2005: Thin sheet of ice in a water container
j2davis2005: Team red? LOL...
j2davis2005: I love these plants...
j2davis2005: Beautiful view looking back
j2davis2005: Quite a steep climb ahead
j2davis2005: Our new friend sharing a photo moment
j2davis2005: Haunted Canyon Trail
j2davis2005: Century plant or agave
j2davis2005: Almost to the highest point of the hike
j2davis2005: Tall grass medow
j2davis2005: Regourp at 4915 ft
j2davis2005: Tessa leading a small group
j2davis2005: I love the silhouette of these dead woods
j2davis2005: Tessa making good time on the hike up
j2davis2005: Almost there
j2davis2005: Jeremy socializing... a rare sight... LOL
j2davis2005: Tessa is all smiles at the top
j2davis2005: Me, before the blisters fest