j2davis2005: Drive up to the trail head
j2davis2005: Trans La Sal Trail Parking
j2davis2005: The long up hill ride on Geyser Pass Road
j2davis2005: Breathtaking ride and scenery
j2davis2005: Another self portrait
j2davis2005: Another breathtaking view
j2davis2005: Jeremy is worn out~
j2davis2005: Finally at the summit~
j2davis2005: Moonlight Meadow Trail Head
j2davis2005: Riding into the beautiful forest
j2davis2005: Among the white aspen
j2davis2005: Fast downhill ride!
j2davis2005: Moonlight Meadow Trail
j2davis2005: Taking it all in...
j2davis2005: Some rugged steep decent
j2davis2005: Another look at the rugged steep decent
j2davis2005: I walked this part
j2davis2005: Need to pick a good line to get through this part
j2davis2005: Another look at the crossing of the creek
j2davis2005: Finally at Clark Lake
j2davis2005: A few more climbs
j2davis2005: I love the aspen forest
j2davis2005: Another section of technical long decent
j2davis2005: I can see the Geyser Pass Road in the distance
j2davis2005: We are almost there...
j2davis2005: After this ride, I think I will get a full face helmet...
j2davis2005: I took a pretty big fall... close to the end of the trail