~joe payne~: The Dying Fly
~joe payne~: Bud Lite
~joe payne~: Abstract Americana
~joe payne~: At the Art Fair
~joe payne~: Paper Flowers
~joe payne~: Red on Green
~joe payne~: Spring Schwing!
~joe payne~: Crocus Outtafocus
~joe payne~: Magnolia II
~joe payne~: Narcissistic
~joe payne~: Magnolia
~joe payne~: Drink Me (Except Mondays - Thursdays)
~joe payne~: Eat Well
~joe payne~: Soul Food English Style, Part II
~joe payne~: Charmed, I'm sure.
~joe payne~: Seeing the Light
~joe payne~: Winter Kills
~joe payne~: Berries & Bokeh
~joe payne~: Pink Pom-Pom
~joe payne~: It's a Fire
~joe payne~: The Ghost of Bokeh Yet to Come
~joe payne~: Buzz: Off
~joe payne~: Harry the Hippo Hits Hyperspace
~joe payne~: Carnation
~joe payne~: Sacrilege