~joe payne~: Agosto
~joe payne~: Bokehfly
~joe payne~: Swallowtail & Thistle
~joe payne~: Bokeh Bug
~joe payne~: There's a bee in there somewhere...
~joe payne~: Mutant Dragonfly
~joe payne~: Green Bottle
~joe payne~: Eden Park
~joe payne~: Waitress Daisychain
~joe payne~: Self-Indulgent Bee Shot No. 496
~joe payne~: Check out my new shades...
~joe payne~: Ringside Seat
~joe payne~: Bokeh Hangover...
~joe payne~: Buzz: Off
~joe payne~: A Rush of Blood to the Head
~joe payne~: Docking Manoeuvre
~joe payne~: The Dying Fly