J Pride: Danger sign
J Pride: Checking out the tide pools
J Pride: Three kids jumping
J Pride: Starfish on the rock
J Pride: Dancing in the tidepools
J Pride: Inspecting the beach
J Pride: Showing off his hands
J Pride: Running in circles
J Pride: Checking out the sea creatures
J Pride: Poking the sea creatures
J Pride: Amy and Lev
J Pride: Steve and Bella
J Pride: Annabel is a little chilly
J Pride: Arlo peeks out from his cap
J Pride: More jumping
J Pride: Arlo and Lev catch big air
J Pride: Throwing sand balls
J Pride: Annabel, King of the Rock!
J Pride: This is not a doughnut
J Pride: Miwok Beach rocks
J Pride: Starfish in the water
J Pride: In the mini wading pool
J Pride: Miwok Beach
J Pride: Lev and Bella holding hands
J Pride: Carrying sand to the ocean
J Pride: Walking the kids down the beach
J Pride: Bella giggles in her big brother's hat
J Pride: Elisabeth and the kids big jump
J Pride: Family jump
J Pride: Post-bath peekaboo