jo 1966: Eyed Hawk moth caterpillar - plus LOTS more below...!!
jo 1966: Eyed Hawk Caterpillar - Breathing Spiracles
jo 1966: Eyed Hawk moth caterpillar
jo 1966: Eyed Hawk moth caterpillar
jo 1966: Eyed Hawk moth caterpillar
jo 1966: Can You Tell What It Is Yet?!
jo 1966: Vegetarian Venus Fly Trap?!
jo 1966: Hulk Hands
jo 1966: Eyed Hawk moth caterpillar
jo 1966: Parasitic Body Snatchers..
jo 1966: Body Invaders..
jo 1966: Eye spy....(plus more photos in the comments..)
jo 1966: Lappet moth larva
jo 1966: Close up of eyes and breathing spiracles
jo 1966: Dougal from the Magic Roundabout...
jo 1966: Mouth...
jo 1966: Magical Eggs! (but not the chocolate variety)
jo 1966: Lappet moth larva
jo 1966: Mullein moth caterpillar
jo 1966: A Large Elephant
jo 1966: Mr Mullein and Friend
jo 1966: You want to know when the heatwave will end?
jo 1966: An Eyed Hawk Moth Caterpillar ...