J-Justice: moving house
J-Justice: green
J-Justice: our posse crosses the bridge.
J-Justice: liz & sheline
J-Justice: laquita
J-Justice: meredith
J-Justice: playing with the falls
J-Justice: back rub
J-Justice: i eat ears
J-Justice: doo jump
J-Justice: atlee dives
J-Justice: posse
J-Justice: sean hangs on
J-Justice: i think i see a little crack
J-Justice: falls
J-Justice: falls2
J-Justice: liz falls
J-Justice: liz falls2
J-Justice: my belly
J-Justice: liz2
J-Justice: shalene
J-Justice: shalene2
J-Justice: merr
J-Justice: water babies
J-Justice: merr2
J-Justice: liz4
J-Justice: shalene
J-Justice: liz and strategically placed bottle
J-Justice: atlee