J-Justice: matt eating meat...
J-Justice: the king of the castle
J-Justice: supersoaker
J-Justice: brittany
J-Justice: poolside
J-Justice: poolside
J-Justice: nate cooling his dogs
J-Justice: the eye of god
J-Justice: amused
J-Justice: aaron and tess
J-Justice: IMG_4610
J-Justice: me and my girl
J-Justice: this photo rules!
J-Justice: me and B
J-Justice: Peezy and Me
J-Justice: jayson, tori and courtney
J-Justice: check the nametag
J-Justice: looking
J-Justice: blurry
J-Justice: darker
J-Justice: lighter
J-Justice: we look good, don't we...
J-Justice: kisses
J-Justice: Jayson = Life
J-Justice: head
J-Justice: fireworks barge
J-Justice: lake union - seattle
J-Justice: crowd on kite hill
J-Justice: creepy liberty head
J-Justice: flying flag