J-ENGINE: The Sunny Brick Road
J-ENGINE: Bolivian Rainbow Pepper
J-ENGINE: Historic Fort Worth
J-ENGINE: Green Zebra (tomato)
J-ENGINE: Take a Flying Leap
J-ENGINE: Southlake Walkway
J-ENGINE: Parking Lot Carnival
J-ENGINE: The Sun and the Arch
J-ENGINE: Bridgework
J-ENGINE: Contrast
J-ENGINE: Florida Sunset
J-ENGINE: Marching Drops
J-ENGINE: Jelly Bean Tomatos
J-ENGINE: Green on Green
J-ENGINE: Stick Figures
J-ENGINE: "Dig Here"
J-ENGINE: On the Edge
J-ENGINE: Whirled-Pool
J-ENGINE: Gearific
J-ENGINE: Flag Day (Late Entry)
J-ENGINE: Starfish on my windowsill
J-ENGINE: Ice and Fire
J-ENGINE: "Vintage" Aloha
J-ENGINE: Just 4 Fun
J-ENGINE: Los Alamos N.M.
J-ENGINE: Lens looking 2 Lens
J-ENGINE: In Dallas
J-ENGINE: Taos Pueblo 93