J-d0g: Our First Glimpse...
J-d0g: Danger Road
J-d0g: Feeding Frenzy
J-d0g: Zach on Deck
J-d0g: Vulcan Arenal Shrouded in Clouds
J-d0g: Beautiful Bark & Moss
J-d0g: Arrow
J-d0g: Our Lodging in Arenal
J-d0g: Lake Arenal
J-d0g: Taking it In
J-d0g: Taking it In, Closer :)
J-d0g: Zach Points
J-d0g: Lake Arenal
J-d0g: Coati
J-d0g: Birds Feed
J-d0g: Flower
J-d0g: The Trail to the Lava Flow
J-d0g: Wild Turkey
J-d0g: Lava Flow
J-d0g: Vulcan Arenal
J-d0g: Joshua
J-d0g: Zachariah
J-d0g: Another Shot of the Volcano
J-d0g: Golden Lining
J-d0g: Steamy Top
J-d0g: Dusk Over Lake Arenal
J-d0g: Cloud Shroud
J-d0g: Money Shot
J-d0g: Powder Puffs
J-d0g: Arenal Volcano