jblubird: genius shoe-rack contraption by dana
jblubird: the tomatoes
jblubird: Indoor gardening
jblubird: just one of several trays
jblubird: IMG_3040.JPG
jblubird: IMG_3041.JPG
jblubird: IMG_3042.JPG
jblubird: IMG_3044.JPG
jblubird: IMG_3305.JPG
jblubird: IMG_3307.JPG
jblubird: aunt ruby
jblubird: itty bitty carrots i thinned
jblubird: squash!
jblubird: community garden
jblubird: community garden
jblubird: st marks community garden
jblubird: basil
jblubird: my garden plot- AFTER
jblubird: my garden plot- BEFORE
jblubird: massive amounts of fennel we have
jblubird: quinoa with herbs + arugula seed pods from the garden
jblubird: my fire escape tomatoes are turning!