Izaphotographer: Good morning
Izaphotographer: Summer
Izaphotographer: Freedom.
Izaphotographer: Looking inside, differently.
Izaphotographer: Flows.
Izaphotographer: Curly.
Izaphotographer: There is no clock.
Izaphotographer: Don't you cry tonight...There's a heaven above you baby.
Izaphotographer: Ten feet tall
Izaphotographer: Each one has its own center of the universe.
Izaphotographer: Adoro todo lo que sigue siendo libre incluso queriendo estar conmigo.
Izaphotographer: Shine On You Crazy Diamond.
Izaphotographer: Censored.
Izaphotographer: "Silencios llenos de ti, que me engañan y me hacen pensar que te necesito." - A.
Izaphotographer: "Nunca supe esperar. Nunca supe esperar, nunca quise. Yo amaba sin negociaciones previas; nunca aprendí a cuidarme. Amo todas mis cicatrices."
Izaphotographer: "Fantasmas que aprenden a crecer, abrazos que se mueren por volver." Sabina.
Izaphotographer: Cuéntame.
Izaphotographer: Bye autumn. A little late.
Izaphotographer: Sábado veinticuatro de Enero, 2015, no son unos buenos días sin mordisco.
Izaphotographer: "Amo los mundos sutiles, ingrávidos y gentiles, como pompas de jabón."
Izaphotographer: Under.
Izaphotographer: Alone.
Izaphotographer: Thursday night.
Izaphotographer: Thursday night.
Izaphotographer: Thursday night.
Izaphotographer: Thursday night.
Izaphotographer: Thursday night.
Izaphotographer: Thursday night.
Izaphotographer: Thursday night.