Antonio (Poptun): Stamp out hunger
Antonio (Poptun): queen beee!
Antonio (Poptun): Queen Bee!
Antonio (Poptun): I wonder how Kris Komori finds his powers to be one of the best chef's in the Pacific Northwest West? #yotefam #treefort2017
Antonio (Poptun): The hail quesadilla platter remorse rideload.
Antonio (Poptun): Los días grises me dicen que la lluvia, no deben ser impedimento para nada, mucho menos para hacer lo que se quiere.
Antonio (Poptun): Autopsy of a honey bee colony
Antonio (Poptun): President's Day
Antonio (Poptun): The first bee sting of the year (el primer pico de abeja del año)
Antonio (Poptun): A little chilly this morning
Antonio (Poptun): A bit about bee poop.
Antonio (Poptun): Today's warmer weather allowed me to do a brief bee inspection. I discover that 3 of the bee hives have bees! However this bee hive was one of the weakest going into the fall. I didn't expect them to survive. I did noticed a lot of moisture in the box,
Antonio (Poptun): Tremendo invierno para quitar nieve del tejado.
Antonio (Poptun): The Boise River staeming. Standing on the Pioneer bridge, looking towards the sunrise.
Antonio (Poptun): The dead of winter
Antonio (Poptun): Boise River, on Pioneer bridge looking West.
Antonio (Poptun): Pioneer bridge.
Antonio (Poptun): Walk commute home was free of traffic.
Antonio (Poptun): El desierto
Antonio (Poptun): De allá hasta acá, de adentro hacia afuera, del río al cemento, de hoy al mañana.
Antonio (Poptun): Digging out
Antonio (Poptun): Straw bale
Antonio (Poptun): The Winter Honey Bee
Antonio (Poptun): OptOutside
Antonio (Poptun): Some of the bees are still out and about this sunny weekend. #savethebees #beekeeping #beekeeperlife #beekeepers #apricutores #apiary #backyardbeekeeping #beehive #honeybees #bienenvolk #imkerin #imkerei #idahome #thisisboise #damniloveboise #IAmBoise
Antonio (Poptun): Have the courage to truly make your community better, do it with your heart and with kindness. #volunteringis #rakeupboise #itsthelittlethings #giveback
Antonio (Poptun): The bees are calling and I must go #savethebees #beekeeping #beekeeperlife #beekeepers #apricutores #apiary #backyardbeekeeping #beehive #honeybees #bienenvolk #imkerin #imkerei #idahome #thisisboise #damniloveboise #IAmBoise