Danny / ixfd64: Mom's homemade pork briskets
Danny / ixfd64: Mom's green tea Swiss rolls
Danny / ixfd64: jujube rolls
Danny / ixfd64: dragon bread
Danny / ixfd64: pot stickers
Danny / ixfd64: meatballs with bell peppers
Danny / ixfd64: sweet rice rolls with seaweed
Danny / ixfd64: Mrs. Tao's homemade pesto pasta with shrimp
Danny / ixfd64: people relaxing in the kitchen
Danny / ixfd64: haricots with mushroom
Danny / ixfd64: scrambled eggs with shrimp and celery
Danny / ixfd64: deviled eggs
Danny / ixfd64: the kids playing Uno
Danny / ixfd64: a very heated game of Sorry!
Danny / ixfd64: grey sky on the way home