iwasfixin2: What kinda toothpaste do *you* use?
iwasfixin2: "I promise to love and obey you..."
iwasfixin2: Autumn down under
iwasfixin2: Stick in a web. Or is it?
iwasfixin2: Frog Wishes
iwasfixin2: 25th's sunset
iwasfixin2: Grevillea buxifolia
iwasfixin2: so real... so tiny... so tiny
iwasfixin2: Event Horizon
iwasfixin2: You could see it come from down the Illawara...
iwasfixin2: What's 9 x 6 x 5?
iwasfixin2: Tell me what you see. Ok, tell me what you see... !!!
iwasfixin2: Apparently, Rockdale got some of the sunset.
iwasfixin2: colat