iwasfixin2: Happy Feathery Friday
iwasfixin2: Shooby-Dooby, Shoo-wap, Shoebill
iwasfixin2: Oh, Mr. Bunny...
iwasfixin2: Water folies
iwasfixin2: Keep that head up, no matter what...
iwasfixin2: I could stare all day...
iwasfixin2: Swim for it...
iwasfixin2: Oh, now.
iwasfixin2: House Finch
iwasfixin2: Ruddy Duck
iwasfixin2: Even the other birds are mindful of seagulls...
iwasfixin2: Lark Sparrow
iwasfixin2: You hear a funny clicking sound?
iwasfixin2: Golden Orb Weaver
iwasfixin2: Glossy, errr... White-faced Ibis
iwasfixin2: Tri-colored Heron
iwasfixin2: Western Scrub Jay
iwasfixin2: Who you calling "foul"?
iwasfixin2: European on holiday in New Zealand...
iwasfixin2: Hovercraft
iwasfixin2: King of the hill
iwasfixin2: Stumped
iwasfixin2: Throw me the ball...
iwasfixin2: Happy Feathery Friday!
iwasfixin2: HFF from the southern hemisphere
iwasfixin2: Him, with the "conspicuous" crest
iwasfixin2: I'll give you a dollar to have a Happy Feathery Friday!
iwasfixin2: Happy Feathery Friday
iwasfixin2: Sacred Kingfisher
iwasfixin2: Stick it