iwasfixin2: Grapely
iwasfixin2: Loop-t-Loop
iwasfixin2: Pollen to spare
iwasfixin2: Oasis
iwasfixin2: Center of Attention
iwasfixin2: Purple Lava
iwasfixin2: Little Buddy
iwasfixin2: Aussie word for Grasshopper?
iwasfixin2: All tied-up
iwasfixin2: Curb Feelers, Optional
iwasfixin2: "Pardon me, but do you have the time...?"
iwasfixin2: My new eyePod
iwasfixin2: Lead me to your taker
iwasfixin2: Pencil me in.
iwasfixin2: Audition
iwasfixin2: The Bag Man
iwasfixin2: ...is brought to you today by the number 3
iwasfixin2: D-I-S-R-U-P-T-I-O-N
iwasfixin2: Someone's got to go first
iwasfixin2: Bo fashioned a canoe and quickly sped himself to safety
iwasfixin2: Rico wasn't nervous. He had one job to do & that was--find Bo
iwasfixin2: Stages & states
iwasfixin2: Bernard lived with a terrible secret. He hated the taste of grass. But he knew he had to eat if he was going to have a chance of catching up with Rico.
iwasfixin2: Marvin knew exactly what they meant by "your eyes are bigger than your stomach". This was one time he was going to prove them wrong.
iwasfixin2: Eggs-travaganza!
iwasfixin2: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Lady Bug
iwasfixin2: Malfi lamented the wonton ways of modern society. It was all consumption & destruction as far as he could see. Of course, all he could usually see is the flower he was consuming & destroying...
iwasfixin2: no relief for hypertension...