Iwan Evans: Some topiary in Kettlewell
Iwan Evans: Dowber Gill
Iwan Evans: Dowber Gill
Iwan Evans: Jon and Dig looking down Providence Pot
Iwan Evans: Dowber Gill
Iwan Evans: Resting above Hag Dyke
Iwan Evans: Great Whernside from Hag Dyke
Iwan Evans: Hag Dyke
Iwan Evans: The Yorkshire Dales Three Peaks from Great Whernside
Iwan Evans: Pen y Ghent and Ingleborough from Great Whernside
Iwan Evans: Summit of Great Whernside
Iwan Evans: Pen y Ghent and Ingleborough from Great Whernside
Iwan Evans: Summit of Great Whernside
Iwan Evans: Jon and Dig looking down Providence Pot, Jo and Dig in a shelter on Great Whernside
Iwan Evans: Summit of Great Whernside
Iwan Evans: Park Gill
Iwan Evans: Sun setting in Kettlewell