Iwan Evans: Foel Lwyd from Bwlch y Ddeufaen
Iwan Evans: A wild horse at Bwlch y Ddeufaen
Iwan Evans: A wild horse at Bwlch y Ddeufaen
Iwan Evans: Anglesey from Drum
Iwan Evans: Great Orme from Drum
Iwan Evans: Jon and Dig heading up Drum
Iwan Evans: Tal y Fan
Iwan Evans: Jon and Dig heading up Drum, with the Orme in the background
Iwan Evans: Llwytmor
Iwan Evans: Drum, Foel Fras and Llwytmor
Iwan Evans: Jon, Dig and Phil heading up Drum
Iwan Evans: Foel Fras and Llwytmor
Iwan Evans: Anglesey from Drum
Iwan Evans: Phil on the summit of Drum
Iwan Evans: View from summit of Drum
Iwan Evans: Anglesey from the summit of Foel Fras
Iwan Evans: Summit of Foel Fras
Iwan Evans: Pen Llithrig y Wrach from Foel Fras
Iwan Evans: Looking West from Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Carnedd Llywelyn from Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Looking West from Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Cwm Caseg from Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Lunch on Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Summit of Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Yr Elen from Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Yr Elen from Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Cwm Caseg from Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Looking back at Garnedd Uchaf
Iwan Evans: Looking south from Foel Fras
Iwan Evans: Cwm Caseg from the Foel Fras